I realize it's been over a year since my last post. Considering I started this little thang when I was unemployed and living by the beach in Wilmington (there was a lot more to do there!) and now I go to school (again) and live by the beach in a tiny town. Life here is slower, people are older, and 20-somethings really blur in with the 40-somethings. However, there are some perks. We still have wi-fi so there's always the interwebs to keep me connected to the outside world. And I must say, a waitress / bookeeper's pay can still afford the occasional Urban Outfitters online outburst. Or even American Apparel's free shipping on orders of $75 or more. Thats' a deal, right? Hey, I work hard for that cash monies. And community college is a great way to prove that your style is somewhat up to date, but most surely fresh, considering your peer's are normally wearing sweatpants and high school senior year t-shirts. Ugh.
Considering the surroundings and my recent new hangout in the country, these looks really caught my eye. Old cars are everywhere so prints are good for leaning on their dusty hoods. Leggings are still appropriate, as long as your bottom is covered up by your sweater or hoodie, cause jumping on bails of hay could really scratch up a pair of cute tights. Save those for the dive bar, cause there it doesn't even matter if you have a rip or two. And as for horizontal stripes, everyone needs at least 3 articles of clothing (minus pants) that are striped. They make you look classy and French or like you just stepped off the boat from a sail in the river. Guys and even mean girls like the look, too. It makes you look way smart.
Enjoy breaking out you fall wares!